Team Fuchs -
World Class Training & Trading
Thomas and Martin Fuchs are the heart of Team Fuchs. They train, coach, trade horses and educate them. Thanks to their international network, they are the right contacts for horse people all over the world.

Team Fuchs -
World Class Training
Thomas und Martin Fuchs bündeln all ihr Wissen und Können zu Team Fuchs. Sie trainieren, coachen und bilden aus – den Erfolg stets im Blick.

Twin Flame Horses
Das Ziel von Twin Flame Horses ist es, die Lücke zwischen dem europäischen und dem amerikanischen Pferdemarkt zu schließen.
Wir sind bereit, den Pferdesport auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Martins professionelle Erfahrung auf dem europäischen Pferdemarkt und Paris Expertise auf dem amerikanischen Markt bietet Kunden eine unschlagbare Kombination.
Twin Flame Horses findet und bildet Sportpferde aus, welche mit seinem neuen Besitzer auf dem amerikanischen Markt zu den Spitzenpferden gehören.

Coaching with success
At Team Fuchs, the welfare of the horse is paramount. We have a horse-friendly system that brings horse and rider to their goals.
Riders of all levels are welcome.
Training is offered worldwide.
Horse Training and Trading
In addition to coaching and training riders and horses, Team Fuchs also offers training and trading in horses.
We have the skills to train your horse to the highest standards and prepare it in the best possible way for the big sport.
Are you looking for a new horse? Together we will find the right horse for your needs.

Team Fuchs Trainer

Thomas Fuchs
Thomas Fuchs is considered one of the world’s best trainers and horse people. He has not only passed on his skills to his son Martin, but has also been training some of the best riders in the world for decades.
Martin Fuchs
Martin Fuchs is one of the most successful show jumping riders of his time. He has already proven his experience in the selection and development of successful horses many times and can now pass on his knowledge to his riding students as a trainer.

Renata Fuchs
Renata Fuchs has been herself highly successful in the saddle. She has won Nations Cups and major prizes. She has been coaching the riding students in Team Fuchs for many years.
Dominik Fuhrer
Dominik Fuhrer is part of the Swiss Equipe and has been a member of Team Fuchs since 2016. In 2021, he secured the title of Swiss Champion. In 2023, he represented Switzerland at several Nations Cups and showed a fantastic double clear in Vejer de la Frontera.

Emily Mason
Emily represents England at Nations Cups and was the trainer of Ben Maher’s Olympic champion horse Explosion W.